Enrollment in the Church sui iuris with respect to conversions in Germany according to can. 35 CCEO


  • Jiří Dvořáček Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Faculty of Theology




In a first step, this article introduces the issue of enrollment in a particular Church sui iuris. Then, conversion to the Catholic Church with regard to the situation in Germany is described. According to can. 916 § 5 CCEO and to the decree of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches from November 30, 1994, the faithful of Eastern Catholic Churches (except for the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church) fall under the jurisdiction of the local Latin ordinaries. The conversions are regulated in can. 35 CCEO. Although the legal nature of this canon is disputed, baptized non-Catholics coming into full communion with the Catholic Church are obliged to retain and practice their own rite.





Dvořáček, J. (2021). Enrollment in the Church sui iuris with respect to conversions in Germany according to can. 35 CCEO. NomoK@non. https://doi.org/10.5282/nomokanon/197