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NomoK@non offers peer review (double-blind review) upon request. If you would like this, please let us know on the submission form in the field "Comments for editors" and also submit a fully anonymized version of your text. The reference to the peer review will appear on the published article.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text has not been published so far nor been handed in with another journal (or if so, an explanation is given under “Remarks to the editor”).
  • The text file has Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • Bibliographical references come with their URL as far as that is possible.
  • All illustrations, graphics and charts are added to the text at a suitable position within and not at the end of the text.
  • The text is in accordance with both the stylistic and the bibliographical specifications given by the guidelines for authors under About us / Submissions.

Author's Guidelines

To avoid editorial refinishing as far as possible, authors are kindly asked to arrange their texts in accordance with the following guidelines. Not complying with them justifies handing texts back to you for revision.

You should prefix an abstract with maximum 600 characters to the article. It is welcomed if it is additionally written in another language.

Bibliographic references

  • Full bibliography with first citation only.
  • Short form citation referring to first citation for all further citation of the same literature.


Gehr, Josef, Die rechtliche Qualifikation der Beschlüsse des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils (=MthStkan 51), St. Ottilien 1997.

Journal article:

Aymans, Winfried, Der Leitungsdienst des Bischofs im Hinblick auf die Teilkirche. Über die bischöfliche Gewalt und ihre Ausübung aufgrund des Codex luris Canonici, in: AfkKR 153 (1984) 35-55, 45.

Anthology article:

May, Georg, Bemerkungen zu den Apostolischen Administratoren und Administrationen, in: id., Schriften zum Kirchenrecht. Ed. by Anna Egler / Wilhelm Rees (= KStuT 47), Berlin 2003, 259-274, 263.

Handbook articles:

Luf, Gerhard, Rechtsphilosophische Grundlagen des Kirchenrechts, in: HdbKathKR3, 42-56, 48.

Lexicon articles:

Bier, Georg, Art. Diözesanadministrator, in: LKStKR I, 443 f., 444.

Münsterischer Kommentar:

Bier, Georg, c. 409, Rn. 6, in: MKCIC (Status: December 1998).

Short citation:

Aymans, Leitungsdienst (Note 1), 45.

Online sources:

Publications that can be found exclusively on the internet are cited after an „at:“ with their internet address.


  • Canonistic abbreviations according to HdBKathKR3
  • Juristic abbreviations according to the list of abbreviations in Creifelds’ Rechtswörterbuch
  • Less used abbreviations are to be written out in full in the body text the first time they are mentioned followed by the abbreviated form in brackets.


Standard headings policy.


For reviews of research literature.

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