Die Wiedererrichtung des Domkapitels zu Speyer als Ergebnis des Bayerischen Konkordats von 1817
Bistum Speyer, Bayerisches Konkordat, DomkapitelAbstract
Besides describing the circumstances of the re-establishment of the cathedral chapter of Speyer in 1821 with a legal history focus, this article likes to analyse the regulations of the Bavarian Concordat of 1817 with regard to the cathedral chapters. Thereby it aims to address the question of the extent to which tendencies of continuity as well as discontinuity can be identified both in relation to the historical background and in relation to the current constitution of the cathedral chapter of Speyer in accordance with its current statutes. Using the example of the cathedral chapter of Speyer, the importance of the provisions of the Bavarian Concordat of 1817 can be especially emphasised.
How to Cite
Brechtel, L. M. (2024). Die Wiedererrichtung des Domkapitels zu Speyer als Ergebnis des Bayerischen Konkordats von 1817. NomoK@non. https://doi.org/10.5282/nomokanon/283