Information For Authors

Dear Scholars,

NomoK@non is an academic web journal in the fields of Law and Religion. Your contribution to it is both wanted and welcome.

On NomoK@non you can publish your scholarly essays and papers quickly, free of cost and with impact because no publishing house and no publishing process are involved in between. NomoK@anon has no magazine structure but publishes each article separately so that there are no delays regarding that aspect either. The open access service as well as hosting by the university library of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich facilitate both worldwide dissemination and frequency of citation. At the same time, you benefit from modern journals´advantages: NomoK@non has an ISSN number, is registered with the German National library and listed by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) plus your article is given a permanent digital identificator (DOI).

If you are interested in publishing your work on NomoK@non, please note the following points:

  • Your contributions can be from any part of the fields of Law and Religion, especially Canon law. It can be related to the situation in Germany, in other European countries or throughout the world.
  • Your papers can be written in German, English, French, Italian or Spanish. It will be placed on the web in the language you choose (possible translations have to be done by yourself).
  • Concerning the design, all your ideas can be considered in principle, too (as far as it is technically possible, of course). Especially compared to publishing in a classic journal, there are attractive new possibilities like e.g. integrating graphics or pictures. Principally though, all articles are adjusted to the journal’s general lay-out.
  • The articles have no maximum length limits.
  • There are no restrictions with regard to pictures either. Graphics in JPEG as well as GIF format are possible. Please note that your document’s loading time will significantly increase in relation to the number and size of graphics used.
  • Furthermore, reviews are still being accepted.
  • To ensure a smooth publishing process in our web journal, we ask you to hand in your texts without hyphenation. Please also take care of using solely automatic numbering for your footnotes so that no mistakes happen in your footer counting.
  • Since there is no special funding for NomoK@non at present, you should make your texts available to us gratuitously.

For submitting your articles you will first have to register. Please pay attention to the registration instructions given under “Submissions” in the menu “About us”!